Blue MIst Rabbitry
Misty gave birth to 5, healthy, gorgeous kits on October 17th, 2008. There were 3 bucks and 2 does. I sold all but 2,
the nicest little bucks. Odin and Thor will be going to the fair, along with their parents, Daisy the new zealand, and Molly
the dutch.
I also went ot my first rabbit show on January 18th. The FSRBA State Convention! Here are the placings:
Onyx (Dutch, Black)- Best of Breed/ Best Of Variety/ Nearly Best in show
Molly (Dutch, blue)- Best of Breed Opposite, Best of variety
Misty (Dutch, blue) 2nd place (due to her split stops)
Daisy (New Zealand, White) Besto f breed, best of variety
The Pig Sty
Meet Boss Hogg! Boss is a Hampshire barrow, and my buddy. He's NOT a market animal at all- he'll never go anywhere near
a slaughterhouse, no matter how big he gets. He's one of the most intelligent animals i've ever worked with. Mr. Hogg even
walks on a leash- yes, a leash. He's growing at a natural rate, not pumped up by 20% protien showfeed.